Why it's so rare, what to look for, and pieces to invest in
“Among the delights of summer were picnics to the woods.” - Georg Brandes
When I think of a picnic I see a white and red checkered blanket with a wicker basket under a beautiful weeping willow – strawberries, fresh juice, wine and of course food that looks like it came straight from Jamie Oliver’s kitchen.
But in all honesty when I pack a picnic I get stuck on chips, sweets, pre-packed wilted salads, cucumber sandwiches and bottles of fizzy cool drink which only attract swarms of bees and make life very unpleasant. My daughter’s first birthday is fast approaching and the thought of tons of sweets and cake makes me nervous. I want something a little healthier, but still fun, because there aren’t many children out there that would trade a sweet for a slice of rye bread.
So a picnic theme is the perfect idea! Yet to even think that I could pull off a picnic themed 1st birthday party for my daughter is a feat on its own… am I in over my head? Could I do this? And the million dollar question – do I have the time? Yes I can and I do and I’m about to share my secret with you…
How I realized the picnic of my dreams...
Yes! Cbeebies Picnics is like the best thing since sliced bread. I dream it, they make it, and I don’t have to raid Jamie’s kitchen to get it. I contact Picnic Company with my fingers crossed, hoping that they would be my saving grace by pulling off the birthday party of the year. Creating a picnic party for almost 20 little ones is no joke but they don’t even break a sweat – good on you Picnic Company and a toast to your famous Cbeebies Picnics!
With a healthy dose of fruit, cherry tomatoes, cheese and juice they are going over and above what I could have ever imagined. They also don’t forget that kids are kids and that sweets play a huge part in any child’s life, so they throw in a fizzer, a lollipop and the most delicious cookie I’ve ever tasted.
And just when everything is done and dusted, I am asked to invite two more children and that one is on a strict diet – cringing I get in contact with my angel - Tammy Clucas from Picnic Company - and explain the dilemma. Without a hesitation we have two more picnic baskets and one especially tailored for the little guy on the diet… Phew!
The day of the party! Here we go…
It’s a HUGE hit with the little ones and even more so with the parents, everything is so beautifully packed and presented, with coloured ribbons and individual name tags - with a special one for the birthday girl. Opening the boxes is a treat for the children. I watch their eyes light up when they realise that everything in the box is theirs and they don’t even have to share it with mom or dad!
Picnic Company also does first dates, 50th parties, corporate functions or just a traditional Sunday family outing – they really reduce your stress levels when planning your outing – giving you time to sit back and enjoy your picnic with family, friends, colleagues or even a little alone time with yourself.
What makes them extra special is that they are really good people and not just machines trodding along in the back kitchen. Just recently they provided a client with picnics for their annual charity Christmas Party; 80 underprivileged children from an orphanage and crèche in Khayelitsha were taken to Kirstenbosch for a picnic – for most of these children it was the first time they’d ventured out of the townships so it was very special to the staff at Picnic Company to have contributed to that event.
Picnic Company pack memories in a box for you to enjoy.
Established in 2004, Picnic Company is the original and premier picnic creation company in the Cape.
So go ahead, open a new e-mail, pick up the phone and find out how easy it is for you to enjoy an Alfesco Picnic, an English High Tea for Two or even a Once in a Lifetime Picnic. For a little extra help, get in touch with their sister company Mustard Catering when more elaborate catering is called for.
“There is something life-affirming about a picnic; it’s all about being outside in the fresh air, bonding with nature and enjoying a scrumptious meal. The flavours and the presentation of our picnics are unique and seductive, and will satisfy your soul.” - Picnic Company.
By Tamryn Tinline
Picnic Company
Website: www.picnics.co.za
E-mail: info@picnics.co.za
Tel: +27 (0)21 706 8470
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