Why it's so rare, what to look for, and pieces to invest in
If you take a trip out to Simon's Town, Cape Point or around the Peninsula, a visit to TOPSTONES is an absolute must!
Have fun at the world-famous SCRATCH PATCH collecting your favourite tumble-polished gemstones, and see the incredible variety of gemstone products from inexpensive gift items to genuine collector's pieces at the MINERAL WORLD factory shop.
Tour the Topstones factory with the kids; there is plenty for the little ones to have a flied day, and watch gemstones being tumble-polished and crafted into a wide variety of products.
Simons Town's Scratch Patch is not only something to do with the kids on a rainy day on the Peninsula . It's a must in any case. Also, check out luxuary at its finest at aha The Quayside Hotel.
Scratch Patch Simons Town, Cape Town
Address: Dido Valley Road, outside Simon's Town.
Open: Mon - Fri: 08h30 - 16h45
Sat & Sun: 09h00 - 17h30
(incl. Public Holidays)
Tel: 021 786 2020
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