Brit teens to learn South African family values

BBC documentary makers seek participants for new show in South Africa

The BBC documentary series, ‘World’s Strictest Parents’, are calling on Cape Town parents to participate in their new show in South Africa.

The series gets to the heart of the important and topical issue of parenting by exploring different parenting techniques and family values from around the world. During each hour-long program, two British teenagers are sent to live with one family abroad to experience life in their country, under their house rules.

“We want to show South Africa as an inspirational place to live by featuring parents who believe in discipline, boundaries and respect, while embracing progress and development in the country,” explains assistant producer, Rebecca Symons, “We’re hoping for parents who are professionals in their field and instil a good work, as well as socially responsible, ethic in their children.”

Video: The World's Strictest Parents Australian promo offers a taste of what we can expect from the upcoming, South African series.

The teens should be treated as part of the family, rather than as guests, and will be expected to attend school, partake in household chores and activities. Both parents are required to speak English well.

“What is apparent from past shows is that although strict boundaries are in place, parents ultimately love their children and only have their best interests at heart,” says Rebecca.

The teenagers are not related and are boys and girls aged between 16 and 18-years-old. The children are cast because of difficulties at home including smoking, laziness, drinking and too much, and a general lack of respect. Rebecca believes that a change of scenery might be just the wake-up-call for teenagers in danger of making the wrong choices in life.

Rebecca adds: “The teenagers cast have voluntarily applied to participate, which is testament to their desire to improve family relationships back in the U.K.”

If you think your family's got what it takes contact Rebecca Symons at

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