10 Questions For: Elan Lohmann

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10 Questions For: Elan Lohmann

Meet the man behind the 30-day Reboot Challenge – Elan Lohmann, Founder and CEO of SleekGeek SA. SleekGeek SA is a social community that activates, motivates and supports its members to achieve their healthy lifestyle goals, one rep at a time. 

1.  How would you describe what you do for a living? 

I change people's lives. 

2.  What is your most vivid childhood memory?

In high school I was selected as the 12th man for the Nicky Oppenheimer 11 against the touring Australian cricket team. Shane Warne was their 12th man that day. 

3.  If you could invite any three people, dead or alive, for dinner, who would they be and why?

1. Bono (U2’s lead singer) - He is the only celebrity who can make me behave like a crazy fan. I respect his art and his purpose and I believe he has done his piece to change the world. I have been a huge supporter since I was a teenager. 

2. Hansie Cronje - My childhood hero fallen from grace. 

3. Jessica Alba - I need to find out if my wife-to-be is a good conversationalist.  

4. If you ever found yourself auditioning for a music reality TV show, what song would you sing and why?

U2’s ‘Pride (In the Name of Love)’. I have been told I look like Bono with shades on and it is the only song I know the words to beyond the chorus. Also because love is the ultimate success. 

5.  How would you complete this sentence? The South African cabinet should include a Minister of _________________.


6.  What would you say is the biggest misconception about you?

People see me as a very confident man in social media and in front of a microphone, but I am actually an introvert and shy. This misunderstanding has caused people to sometimes think I am aloof or unfriendly when, in actual fact, I am quite reserved unless I am extremely comfortable.  

7.  What is your (honest) opinion of Cape Town?

I love Cape Town. I am originally from Johannesburg and have lived in Cape Town for 10 years now. I will happily live here for the rest of my life. It is my soul food and happy place. 

8.  What's the greatest fear you've had to overcome to get where you are today?

Financial security. After leaving the corporate life I discovered that in order to run your own business you can’t stress too much about financial security because for big rewards you sometimes need to take big risks. 

9.   What's the one thing you'd like to achieve before you die?

A threesome (jokes) ... I want to love and be loved as much as possible. A family and a daughter would be a nice bonus.  

10.  Which well- known South African personality would you, without a doubt, be able to beat in a street fight and why?  

Gareth Cliff - He won’t be able to talk his way out of that one. Lol


ABOUT #CapeTownMag10Q:’s 10 Questions project gets to know some of the Mother City’s most creative and inspiring people. From television personalities and musicians to politicians and entrepreneurs, we find out more about well-known and up-and-coming Capetonians. You can follow #CapeTownMag10Q on Twitter and Facebook to track recent interviews or read more here about our other awesome 10 Questions candidates


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